Editorial Notes

This site is for those who look for info about Otres Beach. If it helps travellers, tourists, nomads, boys and girls on their journey, it did its purpose. If some info is wrong or outdated, you're most welcome to contact me about it.

Otresbeach.org does't include any hidden advertisements, 'paid content', 'astro-turfing' and so on. If there will be any commercial content in the future, it would be marked as such.

Images and writing was done by me. It's based on personal experience and converations. For the Background section, I also used LonelyPlanet and Wikipedia.

The content is licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 common creative. Everyone can use parts of the text or images on their own websites under the condition that otresbeach.org is mentioned as source and a link points to otresbeach.org.

The reason for coding otresbeach.org was to test how search engines index content and some other stuff. In this respect it's a research project of a webdev.

have a good day!